Dear Fellow Community Members,

As active members of Lex4Literacy, we are writing to offer our wholehearted endorsement of Deepika Sawhney for the Lexington School Committee. Our organization is deeply committed to our mission of ensuring literacy for all students in the Lexington Public Schools through evidence-based literacy methods and practices, as well as early identification of reading challenges. We believe Deepika embodies the qualities necessary to support this work.

Deepika exhibits a genuine willingness to listen, learn, engage, and understand the intricacies of what all children need in order to learn how to read and to identify and remediate reading struggles, as evidenced by her recent White Paper on the subject. Deepika’s commitment to data-driven decision-making and examining what is working and not working for student learning ensures informed advocacy and realistic comprehensive planning. While Deepika’s penchant for in-depth analysis may not always yield pithy sound bites, it underscores her dedication to making well-informed decisions that benefit the entire community. Her insistence on data-driven solutions ensures that policies are crafted with the utmost care and consideration.

Moreover, Deepika’s empathy and compassion shine through, particularly when listening to testimonies of LPS children affected by delayed or denied reading services. She carries the weight of this knowledge, understanding the profound impact it has on these children’s lives. Deepika embraces the responsibility of School Committee members to confront difficult questions and seek solutions, even when it requires her own discomfort.

Deepika’s acute awareness of unconscious bias within systems showcases her intellect and empathetic nature as she navigates uncomfortable discussions with grace, always prioritizing the needs of students with marginalized identities. While her focus may sometimes diverge from our immediate concerns, her dedication to creating an inclusive environment for all students remains steadfast. We stand in solidarity with her vision of making Lexington a place where every child thrives.

In conclusion, Deepika Sawhney possesses the rare combination of intellect, compassion, and resilience necessary to effect positive change. We proudly lend our support to her candidacy


Lex4Literacy Members

Including Monica Davis, Jennifer Elverum, Olga P. Guttag, Megan Klein Hattori, Nicole Locher, Jess Quattrocchi, Mona Roy, Lori Wright, Kyle York 

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