To increase understanding and participation in Lexington, Massachusetts through local, community journalism.

Local news brings communities together, drives participation in civic life and helps build the informed citizenry required for a thriving democracy.

Started by Lexington residents in 2021, the Lexington Observer is a new nonprofit digital newsroom devoted to reporting on issues that matter most to people in our diverse community, including education, culture, housing, economy, and environmental issues. 

Our goal is to be a part of civic life in Lexington, joining community organizations including and publications like the Lexington Times and the Lexington Minuteman. We hope to increase both understanding and participation in our community.

We’ve already covered:

We’ve got lots more coverage planned. But we need your help to keep going.

Beyond our one paid staffer, we are a mostly volunteer crew with experience in newsrooms, running non-profits, and living and working in Lexington. We’re raising money to hire—at a minimum—one more full-time reporter, and hopefully more. We’ll manage and direct LexObserver with transparency so the community can see how decisions are made.

Join us—and don’t forget all of your contributions are tax-deductible.

The Lexington Observer is an accredited member of the Institute for Nonprofit News and Local Independent Online News Publishers (a professional journalism association for independent news publishers). We are also a member of the MetroWest News Alliance.