We are committed to transparency in every aspect of funding our organization.

Accepting financial support does not mean we endorse donors or their products, services or opinions.

We accept gifts, grants and sponsorships from individuals, organizations and foundations to help with our general operations, coverage of specific topics and special projects. As a 501(c)(3) nonprofit that operates as a public trust, we do not pay certain taxes.

Our news judgments are made independently – not based on or influenced by donors or any revenue source. We do not give supporters the rights to assign, review or edit content.

We make public all revenue sources and donors who give $5,000 or more per year. As a news nonprofit, we avoid accepting charitable donations from anonymous sources. We will not accept donations from sources who, as deemed by our board, present a conflict of interest with our work or compromise our independence.

Major Donors ($1,000+)

Community Endowment of Lexington
Oread Fund
Morra & Nicco Aarons-Mele

Founding Members ($200 to $1000)

The Baupost Group, LLC
Bliss-Vandeurse Family Trust
Harry Forsdick
Elizabeth Hansen Shapiro
Mary Haskell
Henrietta Yelle & Chris Engstrom
Ken Karnofsky
Thomas R. Shiple and Suzanne D. Lau
James & Dipti Lenhart
Kathleen Lenihan

Colin & Leslie Masson
Regie O’Hare Gibson
Michelle Olson
Glenn & Faith Parker
Innessa and Karthik Ramanathan
Robert Rotberg
PK Shiu
Joshua and Rachel Summers
Sacha Uljon
Ryan Wise

4 donors who wish to remain anonymous

Launch Members (Under $200)

Carol Berker
Howard Bernstein
Lauren and Carissa Black
Joe Blatt
Vicki Blier
Erica Bouchard Rabins
Judy Boxer
Anna Bulkovshteyn
Richard & Jeanne Canale
Michelle Ciccolo
Judith Cole
Liz Coolidge
Pat E. Costello
Margaret Counts-Klebe
Andrew and Kathleen Davenport
Susan Denham
Elaine & Guy Doran
Denise Dracup
Alexia Duc
Dan England
Lauren Feeney
Jeffrey Foster
Sheila Frankel
Marcia Gens
Karen Griffiths
Stacey Hamilton
Mary Hamilton
Christy Hart Waller
Heather Hartshorn
Anthony Henke
Dana Henry-Kuszmaul
Sarah Higginbotham
David Holzman
Cyrus Hopkins
Michael Horn
Harriet J. Cohen
Eileen Jay
Fred Johnson
Barbara Katzenberg
Jay Kaufman
John Keyes
Meg Khanolkar
Florence Koplow
JJ Krawczyk
Ruth Ladd
Jennifer Lawrence
Charles Lock
Jay Luker

Anne MacDonald-Broun
Mark Manasas
David Manuel
Wendy Manz
Beth Masterman
Kate McCarey
Andre Michaud
Alexandra Moellmann
Margaret Muckenhoupt
Melinda Nasardinov
Susan and Barry Orenstein
Dinesh Patel
Gerald Paul
Sylvia Perlman
Andrei Radulescu-Banu
Lisah Rhodes
Norm Richter
Pamela Richter
Kathryn Roy
Wendy and Bob Russman-Halperin
Bob Ruxin
Erin Sandler-Rathe
Robert Sayre
Rose Scampini
Elizabeth Schutt
Ken Schwarz
Jonathan Schwarz
Alexandra Schweitzer
Ron Scozzafava
Susan Shnidman
Janel Showalter
Blake Sobczak
Corinne Steigerwald
Francine Stieglitz
Lydia Swan
Lynn Watson
Michael Watson
Amy Weinstock
Nancy White
Nancy Wilson
Teresa Wright
Reem Yared
Albert Zabin
Eileen and Zalisk
Kim Zarrella
Jeri Zeder
Ros Zimmermann
Deb Zucker

72 donors who wish to remain anonymous

Monthly Sustainers

Sharon Fray-Witzer
Theodore Dickenson
Bill McKenney
Alice Pierce
Wendy Reasenberg
Marianne Slight
Gloria Wallace